buddhist bass

Buddhism and Music, part two

In part two of our discussion of Buddhism and music, we talk (mostly) about the potential genre of “Buddhist music.” Genre is a tricky; it raises all sorts of questions about who gets to define an artist or musician and whether or not it further divides people into camps of musical identity. But we definitely think there’s Buddhist music out there worth talking about, and we meander around such different artists as Hiroshima, Toshiro Mayuzumi, the Beastie Boys, Lou Harrison, and eventually come back to our own Buddhist musician — Harry himself — who’s written some Buddhist music of his own, including various versions of this show’s theme song.

Here’s just some of the names we drop in this episode:

Stanley Lighthead (Harry’s new band)

IBS Symposium where we talk about music

Beastie Boys

Toshiro Mayuzmi

Esperanto Heart Sutra
