Harry and I will be heading back into the recording studio soon (i.e., the kodo at the Jodo Shinshu Center) to record some new episodes to be released in December and January. We've got some ideas rolling around our heads for podcast topics, but we really want to know — what's on your mind? Got… Continue reading Give us your best shot
Category: News
Episode 51: We’re back!
It's been six months since our last episode. Where've we been? What did we do all summer? Now that we're back in the "studio," we recap some of the stuff we've been working on and promise to release new episodes this fall. After a short chat about what it's like to be a professional Buddhist,… Continue reading Episode 51: We’re back!
It’s Summertime
live show: poster
The DharmaRealm Live Recording
Join us at the Jodo Shinshu Center on Saturday, April 10 for a live recording of the DharmaRealm podcast. Doors open at 1 p.m. Following a short musical performance, we'll be discussing, among other things, Buddhist cosmology and imagined worlds. How are Buddhist ideas of rebirth, Pure Lands, and other worlds relevant to our everyday… Continue reading The DharmaRealm Live Recording
We’re doin’ it live!
The DharmaRealm Podcast: Live! At the Jodo Shinshu Center Friday October 2, 2009 at 5 p.m. Harry and I are going to be recording the DharmaRealm podcast before a live "studio audience." If you're going to be in Berkeley on October 2, please join us at the Jodo Shinshu Center. The event will start with… Continue reading We’re doin’ it live!
summer break and news
Harry and I are taking a little summer break which, sorry to say, means there's no new episode this week. But don't worry. We'll be back the first Friday in September with more new episodes on Buddhism and the Dharma. We also wanted to make sure all of our listeners know about a special event… Continue reading summer break and news
winter break
Hello DharmaRealm fans! It's the first Friday of the month, and you may have noticed that there isn't a new episode of the DharmaRealm for you to listen to. What can I say? Harry and I are taking a well-deserved break! The show's going to be on winter holiday for December and January as we… Continue reading winter break
Got a question?
Drop us a line and we'll answer it! Starting next month as a new feature of our podcast, we're going answer our listeners' questions. Send us an email or post a comment to our Facebook page with whatever Buddhist question is on your mind and we'll do our best to answer it in an upcoming… Continue reading Got a question?