The Buddhist Answer for Everything

Shumisengi astronomical clock

Scott’s still got a cold! And he’s a cranky old man who wants to argue with people! So today we’ll try to come up with the Buddhist answer to everything. Not really. Long time listeners should know by now that quick and easy answers aren’t our stock in trade. We’re far more likely to come… Continue reading The Buddhist Answer for Everything

Live show part four: marriage and politics

In the final episode of our first live broadcast, we tackle more audience questions. To get things started, we field a question about the BCA's official position on same-sex marriage (a big shout out to Rev. Briones' officiating at the wedding of George Takei and Brad Altman!). This bounces us around some questions regarding BCA's… Continue reading Live show part four: marriage and politics

Live show part three: abortion and shinjin

In part of three of the live show series, our first question has to do with Shin Buddhism's stance on aborted fetuses. Scott cleverly ducks the question but Harry provides some interesting insight into the Japanese ritual of mizuko kuyo (water baby ceremony) and the efficacy of ritual in Shin Buddhist context. Our second question… Continue reading Live show part three: abortion and shinjin