The Buddhist Answer for Everything

Shumisengi astronomical clock

Scott’s still got a cold! And he’s a cranky old man who wants to argue with people! So today we’ll try to come up with the Buddhist answer to everything. Not really. Long time listeners should know by now that quick and easy answers aren’t our stock in trade. We’re far more likely to come… Continue reading The Buddhist Answer for Everything

Buddhism and belief

Inspired by a listener question/discussion on Facebook, we tackle the issue of belief in (Shin) Buddhism, specifically when it comes to Pure Land imagery. Are we expected to believe in it in some substantive, literal sense? Or do we take it as metaphorical? Symbolic? Symbolic of what exactly? We start by suggesting that wrestling with… Continue reading Buddhism and belief

Live show part one: cosmology

Our second live recording -- actually live this time and broadcast via webstream across the Internets -- was recorded in the lobby of the Jodo Shinshu Center. This is the first installment of that day's recording. Our jumping-off point is our previous conversations about science fiction and Buddhism, focusing here on the issue of cosmology… Continue reading Live show part one: cosmology